Pruning strategy

Why invest in automation for the pruning of the nursery?

Our own beliefs:

It ‘should consider the introduction of automation to the pruning in the nursery to get:

  • Increased efficiency of operations;

  • Greater consistency of production;

  • Improving the quality of production;

  • Saving energy;

  • Large operational capacity;

  • Process optimization centralized management of processes.

     The nursery owners dilemma:

Each season, who manages the production in nurseries, must face difficult choices about how to control their growth in order to produce less waste, with superior quality and standardize production.

Traditional strategies have involved the application of manual pruning techniques that, if until some time ago, were considered to be economically viable, with a more careful analysis of the costs, we realize that it is possible to optimize this phase of the process.


The main aspects that will lead to the introduction of the automation of pruning in the nursery, we believe, are:

  • Cost – The manual trimming / pruning is very intensive labor and therefore expensive, as each application has its own set of automated presettable costs;

  • Speed ​​– Trimming / prune manually is a slow process and takes time. Prune or trim a plot of land of the nursery can often take a number of days and engage a large part of the available labor force in the period;        

  • Unpredictable results – The manual work, even the most accurate, affected by the gestures of the individual operator who, at times, can have unpredictable implications or unwanted results.

All this, we believe, will inevitably lead to the automation of even pruning in the nursery as has happened in the pruning of the vines.

If you intenionati to consider these aspects of the work, we are available to answer your question.

Do not hesitate to contact us on contact form.

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Pruning strategy ultima modifica: 2014-07-09T17:06:09+02:00 da pietro